Parenting During Recovery

Creating a Safe Recovery Environment Parenting a child with an eating disorder is not normal parenting or even normal caregiving. An eating disorder diagnosis affects every member of the family and the lifestyle of the family, just as it would with any grave illness. Creating a safe and supportive home environment for all family members […]

Sitting With Our Distress

By Sarah It was all so simple when our loved ones were young. If they fell and scraped their knee, we knew a bit of ‘special cream’, a band aid, and a hug would make it all better. We knew that no matter how loud the screams, they were okay. We didn’t panic. We just […]

Sample Relapse Prevention Plan for Adults

This was a resource offered by Dr. Sarah Ravin at FEAST of Knowledge 2022: Sample Relapse Prevention Plan for Adults PART 1: ASSESSMENT TOOL Green Light Signs (Suggest that eating disorder is in remission)• Eats 3 balanced meals + 1-3 snacks per day• Flexible eating / eating a wide variety of foods• Open/honest relationships with […]

The Strangers in Your House

The Eating Disorder Personas That Try To Resist Recovery by Oona Hanson When your child is in the grips of an eating disorder, it can feel at times like they are being held hostage or possessed by a demon. While unsettling, this observation can end up being a powerful step toward helping your loved one […]

Safe Return to Sports and Movement

By Sarah Archer, LMFT Disordered exercise is a prevalent issue, affecting 4 out of 5 individuals with an eating disorder, and is the second most common symptom associated with relapse. Given its prevalence and impact, it is crucial for you and your treatment team to develop a well thought out plan for your child’s return […]

Extra Extra! Read All About What “Extra” Can Mean in Eating Disorder Recovery

By Oona Hanson When you’re caring for someone with an eating disorder, trying to find the right words can feel like navigating a minefield. Language becomes so complicated because what we think might be helpful can end up backfiring–often because the malnourished brain interprets our words in a way that fuels or serves the eating […]

Knock and Talk

By Marc Black If you, a caregiver, are not fully executing the requirements of your loved ones’ meal plan (or holding firm with other boundaries) because you fear your child with an eating disorder (ED) may contact a mandated reporter with maltreatment claims, then I’d like to engage you with a brief “Knock and Talk.” I am urging you to not be intimidated by your child’s ED threatening maltreatment claims (or other claims) against you to mandated reporters…or those mandated reporters then notifying law enforcement or […]

Parental Alignment in FBT

by Abby Sarrett-Cooper It is a myth that opposites attract. Research has revealed that people with similar values will have the most successful relationships. However, no two people agree on everything and differences can help balance and strengthen a relationship. In Family Based Treatment (FBT) I often find myself reminding parents of what they have […]

What is Family-Based Treatment?

You’ve heard the term “Family-Based Treatment” for eating disorders but you are interested to learn more. You may have heard it called “FBT” or “The Maudsley Approach.” So, what IS Family-Based Treatment, and could it help your family?

When your child goes back to college

By Judy Krasna, F.E.A.S.T. Executive Director Being a new parent is hard. It takes a while for every parent to find their footing, to feel confident in their parenting abilities, to feel comfortable being responsible for the care of another totally dependent human being, and to feel capable of competently raising a child. After a […]

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