We are currently not accepting research promotion applications, please check back again in January.

Over the years, F.E.A.S.T. has aided in the recruitment of research participants for eating disorder related studies conducted all over the world. We recognize the importance of eating disorder research, and we have supported it by offering researchers the opportunity to publicize their studies within our parent community, via our website and other communication platforms, in order to gain study participants. In doing so, we have helped their research succeed.

At F.E.A.S.T, we also recognize the importance and the value of lived experience. Our peer support platforms are so effective because they harness the collective knowledge and wisdom amassed by parents and caregivers while in the trenches fighting their loved one’s eating disorder. Essentially, parents and caregivers are “experts by experience.”

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, lived experience is undervalued and underutilized in eating disorder research. Despite the fact that people with lived experience are well placed to identify research priorities, inefficacies in treatment, and gaps in knowledge, they are rarely included in research design. 

In the hopes of increasing the inclusion of lived experience perspectives in research design, and for the purpose of improving the quality of research as it relates to effective treatment and improved recovery outcomes, F.E.A.S.T. will be changing our policy regarding publicizing recruitment for research participants.

F.E.A.S.T will gladly continue publicizing recruitment information for research studies which align with our beliefs provided that we are awarded the opportunity to view the proof of concept and to comment on the study purpose and design in the beginning stages of development. This will allow for the perspective of lived experience at the very least to be considered, if not utilized. 

In effect, this means that in order for us to consider promoting your study, you have to run your study purpose by F.E.A.S.T.’s Research Advisory Panel at the very beginning of the design process. You can do this through filling in the form below.

For further clarification or questions, please feel free to contact F.E.A.S.T’s Executive Director, Judy Krasna, at . Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to establishing more collaborative relationships with the research community going forward.

Research Promotion Application

A form to collect early-stage research concepts for review by F.E.A.S.T.'s Research Advisory Panel.

Primary Researcher's Name(Required)
Primary Researcher's Email(Required)
Does the study have any evidence to support it? If so, please cite the evidence.
Please list 3 potential applications of the study.
Privacy Notice:

Your information helps us evaluate research partnerships. We keep all research concepts confidential.

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